Top Dog the new British crime thriller based on the acclaimed novel by Green Street writer Dougie Brimson. Produced by Jonathan Sothcott (Vendetta), directed by Martin Kemp (The Krays, EastEnders) and starring Leo Gregory (Green Street, Cass), Ricci Harnett (28 Days Later, Rise Of The Footsoldier) and Vincent Regan (Clash Of The Titans, St George’s Day), s released Monday 26 May on Blu-ray and DVD through Universal Pictures (UK).
Top Dog tells the story of Billy and his football gang as they take on the local protection racket, maybe not quite thinking through the consequences of doing so!
I thoroughly enjoyed Top Dog it’s a well made well acted British crime movie and if that sort of movie is your bag I’m sure you will love this.
I managed to speak to director Martin Kemp and Actor / Producer Leo Gregory last week and they gave me a great insight into the making of the film check it out below.
Top Dog is released Monday 26 May on Blu-ray and DVD through Universal Pictures (UK).
You can Pre Order from Amazon here