Since this whole lock down thing happened we have been reaching to the back of our cupboards finding things we really don’t remember buying and in some cases not a clue what to do with ! and it seems we aren’t the only ones.
Inspired by the concept of BBC One show Read Steady Cook, Mexican tequila Jose Cuervo is teaching lockdown Britons how to create cocktail using everyday, mundane ingredients found in cupboards and fridges at a home – in a new online show Ready Steady Cuervo.
This is my favourite so far, a beetroot tequila cocktail! who knew that was a thing?
Beet-Rude Not To

50ml Jose Cuervo Especial Gold or Especial Silver
1 flat teaspoon of dried basil
15ml Jif lemon juice
1 pickled beetroot
1 large teaspoon strawberry jam
3 grinds of black pepper from a pepper mill
The step-by-step recipe to create a Beet-Rude Not To is as follows:
1. Muddle the pickled beetroot in the bottom of a large sealable container until it’s a mush
2. Add all other ingredients and plenty of cubed ice
3. Shake well and strain into a small tumbler filled with cubed ice, preferably using a sieve
4. Garnish with beetroot, lemon or fresh basil and Ready, Steady, Cuervo!
Ready Steady Cuervo can be viewed by visiting Jose Cuervo’s Instagram page @JoseCuervoUK at 7pm every Friday, from 1st May.
Jose Cuervo Especial® can be purchased from Amazon, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, and Waitrose